Congratulations to the winners & thanks to all exhibitors!
Friday/Saturday, January 24-25th: Collie Club of Washington hosted Collie Specialty shows
Sunday, January 26th: The Overlake Collie Club hosted two Collie Specialty shows
Saturday & Sunday also included All-Breed Obedience and Rally Trials.
Location: Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe, WA
Click here for a summary of conformation show results
See the show secretary, DogZibit for the unofficial, detailed results!

2025 Specialty Results:
AM Show: Breed and Junior Showmanship Judge: Patrick Wentworth
Roughs: 15-12 (2-6) 0-1
Smooths: 5-6 (7-9)
Junior Showmanship:
Best of Breed: GCHG Aurealis Play For Keeps (R/D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay, ROM x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCHB Aurealis Captivating (R/B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Aurealis Reminiscence ROM)
Rough Best of Variety: GCHG Aurealis Play For Keeps (D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay, ROM x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Rough Best of Winners: SnoValley Cynclair Let The Fun Begin (B) (CH SnoValley Countryview Composition x Cynclair Amusement)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCHB Aurealis Captivating (B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM x CH Aurealis Reminiscence ROM)
Rough Select Dog: CH Belfair Colebrae Night Watch (Shadowbrook Mitternacht x CH Belfair Morning Watch)
Rough Select Bitch: CH Tallywood Translucence (GCH Tallywood Neverland x GCHB Tallywood Indulgence)
Rough Winners Dog: Sherloch Belfair Lochlaren Exemplar Alliance (Open Blue) (Colebrae Caught a Vibe x Lochlaren Sherloch Belfair Heaven Sent)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Belfair Sherloch Lochlaren Legacy (Open Sable) (GCHS Moxie’s RockNRolla x Lochlaren Belfair Make Believe Sherloch)
Rough Winners Bitch: SnoValley Cynclair Let The Fun Begin (BBE Puppy) (CH SnoValley Countryview Composition x Cynclair Amusement)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Aurealis Obsession (Open Sable) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Aurealis Classical Era)
Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Demuir Celestial Light (B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)
Smooth Best of Winners: Tallywood Acoustic (D) (CH Tallywood Coalescence x GCH DeMuir A Time To Remember)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCHG Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin the Bottle HT ACT1 CGC FDC TKN (D) (GCH Tercan ‘N Zandria ‘N Jubilie Fortune’s Favor PT, TKN x GCHS Zandria ‘N Tercan’s Kiss My Freckles, TKN)
Smooth Select Dog: CH Snovalley Satisfaction Guaranteed (GCHS Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin The Bottle CGC TKN x Snovalley How I Remember You)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Belfair Hooked On A Feeling (CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Smooth Winners Dog: Tallywood Acoustic (BBE Puppy) (CH Tallywood Coalescence x GCH DeMuir A Time To Remember)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: SnoValley Cynclair Sea Shanty (9-12) (CH Cynclair Enterprise x SnoValley DayDream Believer)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Let It Be (BBE Puppy) (GCh Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Song And Dance x GCH Monarch Tercan ‘N Zandria Que Sera)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: SnoValley Meant To Be (Open) (GCHS Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin The Bottle TKN CGC HTAD x SnoValley Deorsa Summer Memories)
Junior Showmanship
Best Junior: Alicia Sierra (Open Intermediate)
Reserve Best Junior: Charlotte Hull-Walton (Open Senior)
Breed Judge: Lynn Butler
Junior Showmanship Judge: Caleb Campbell
Roughs: 13-12 (2-5) 0-3
Smooths: 6-6 (8-9) 0-1
Junior Showmanship: 3
Best of Breed: GCHG Aurealis Play For Keeps (R/D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay, ROM x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed: GCHS Demuir Celestial Light (S/B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)
Rough Best of Variety: GCHG Aurealis Play For Keeps (D) (GCHS Aurealis Coldplay, ROM x GCH Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Rough Best of Winners: Belfair Follow Your Heart (D) (Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Hooked On A Feeling)
Rough Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: CH Tallywood Translucence (B) (GCH Tallywood Neverland x GCHB Tallywood Indulgence)
Rough Select Dog: CH Belfair Colebrae Night Watch (Shadowbrook Mitternacht x CH Belfair Morning Watch)
Rough Select Bitch: CH Aurealis Incandescence ROM (Vet) (CH Milas Aurealis Latin Samba x CH Aurealis Rumor Has It ROM)
Rough Winners Dog: Belfair Follow Your Heart (BBE Adult) (Milas Belfair You Hold My Heart x GCH Belfair Hooked On A Feeling)
Rough Reserve Winners Dog: Belfair Sherloch Lochlaren Legacy (Open Sable) (GCHS Moxie’s RockNRolla x Lochlaren Belfair Make Believe Sherloch)
Rough Winners Bitch: Aurealis Obsession (Open Sable) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights x CH Aurealis Classical Era)
Rough Reserve Winners Bitch: Erte’s Pink Lady (Am-bred) (Erte’s Am I Blue x CH Tartanside Carousel)
Smooth Best of Variety: GCHS Demuir Celestial Light (B) (GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM x GCHB Demuir Barefoot Contessa)
Smooth Best of Winners: Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Let It Be (B) (GCh Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Song And Dance x GCH Monarch Tercan ‘N Zandria Que Sera)
Smooth Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety: GCHG Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin the Bottle HT ACT1 CGC FDC TKN (D) (GCH Tercan ‘N Zandria ‘N Jubilie Fortune’s Favor PT, TKN x GCHS Zandria ‘N Tercan’s Kiss My Freckles, TKN)
Smooth Select Dog: CH Snovalley Satisfaction Guaranteed (GCHS Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Spin The Bottle CGC TKN x Snovalley How I Remember You)
Smooth Select Bitch: GCH Belfair Hooked On A Feeling (CH Belfair SnoValley Dr. Amos Black x Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Smooth Winners Dog: SnoValley Cynclair Sea Shanty (9-12) (CH Cynclair Enterprise x SnoValley DayDream Believer)
Smooth Reserve Winners Dog: Tallywood Acoustic (BBE Puppy) (CH Tallywood Coalescence x GCH DeMuir A Time To Remember)
Smooth Winners Bitch: Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Let It Be (BBE Puppy/Best Puppy) (GCh Tercan ‘N Zandria’s Song And Dance x GCH Monarch Tercan ‘N Zandria Que Sera)
Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch: Snovalley I Don’t Kiss And Tell (Open) (CH SnoValley Countryview Composition x GCHS Zandria ‘N Tercan’s Kiss My Freckles TKN)
Junior Showmanship
Best Junior: Alicia Sierra (Open Intermediate)
Reserve Best Junior: Charlotte Hull-Walton (Open Senior)