Club Calendar

AnnuallyFinancial audit An audit of the club’s financial records shall be conducted annually. (By-Laws: III-2)
MonthlyClub meetings Monthly meetings of the club shall be held in the greater Tacoma/Olympia, Washington area. There shall be a minimum of six club meetings per year. (By-Laws: II-1)
PeriodicBoard meetings Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in the greater Tacoma/Olympia, Washington area, at least six times per year, at such an hour and place as may be designated by the Board. (By-Laws: II-3)
Joint Club MeetingsShow planning & follow-up Joint meetings with Collie Club of WA regarding the annual Specialty will be held prior to and/or following the event as deemed necessary.
JanuaryNominating Committee The Board shall name a Chairperson for the committee and it shall be his/her duty to call a committee meeting which shall be held on or before February 1st. (By-Laws: IV-4)
FebruaryNominationsUpon receipt of the Nominating Committee’s report, the Secretary shall before February 15th notify each member in writing of the candidates so nominated. (By-Laws: IV-4)
Specialty Shows Joint specialty shows with Collie Club of WA held 3rd weekend of February.
MarchMembershipDuring the month of March, the Treasurer shall send to each member a statement of his dues for the ensuing year. (By-Laws: I-2)
NominationsAdditional nominations may be made at the March meeting by any member in attendance… (By-Laws: IV-4)
AprilMembershipDues are payable on or before the 1st day of May of each year. (By-Laws: I-2)
Annual meetingThe annual meeting shall be held in the month of April at which officers and Directors for the ensuing year shall be elected by secret, written ballot… (By-Laws: IV-2); [Treasurer] shall render an account of all moneys received and expended during the previous fiscal year. (By-Laws: III-2)
MayClub yearThe Club’s fiscal year shall begin on the 1st day of May and end on the 30th day of April. The Club’s official year shall begin immediately at the conclusion of the election at the annual meeting and shall continue through the election at the next annual meeting. (By-Laws: IV-1)
Officer Transition…each retiring officer shall turn over to his/her successor in office all properties and records relating to that office within 30 days after the election. (By-Laws: IV-2)
MembershipDues are payable on or before the 1st day of May of each year. (By-Laws: I-2)
JulyUnpaid members lapse 7/31A membership will be considered lapsed and automatically terminated if such member’s dues remain unpaid 90 days after the first day of the fiscal year: however, the Board may grant an additional 90 days of grace to such delinquent members in meritorious cases. (By-Laws: I-4)
Summer picnicAnnual club summer picnic and meeting.
OctoberAgility TrialsAnnual agility trials sponsored by Overlake Collie Club.
DecemberNominating CommitteeDuring the month of December, the Board shall select a Nominating Committee consisting of three members, not more than one of whom may be a member of the Board…. The Board shall name a Chairperson for the committee and it shall be his/her duty to call a committee meeting which shall be held on or before February 1st. (By-Laws: IV-4)
Christmas PartyAnnual club Christmas Party