Overlake Collie Club Picnic – 8/7


Hosted by Melinda and Stuart.

Please join us for a day of fun with your collie! Collie enthusiasts outside of the club are invited to attend this event.

🎉Noon-2pm- Potluck and Educational Seminar!
Please bring a dish to share and let your host know what you’re bringing.

🎉Noon-2pm- CGC and Trick Dog evals!
Paul Grossart of The Mindful Pupper will be available to offer CGC and Trick Dog evaluations!!

🎉3pm- Fun Match!
Puppy and Adult Fun Match. Great practice opportunity and fun prizes to be had!

🎉 There are wooded trails on the property to explore with your dogs throughout the day and who knows…you may find treasure on your adventures 🐾

⭐What to bring?
A potluck dish to share, a chair, sensible shoes and your dog. (We do request that your dog be free of parasites).

⭐PLEASE RSVP if you plan on attending.   moxiecollies@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you!

Posted in OCC Club gatherings, OCC Club Meeting.